The West of Severn News is a monthly parish magazine which is distributed among approximately 500 households in Ashleworth, Tirley and Hasfield. It is entirely self-financing, funded by advertising fees, and is run by a voluntary editorial team of two and a team of voluntary distributors.

Here are the latest issues for downloading:

July 2024 WOSN

June 2024 WOSN

May 2024 WOSN

April 2024 WOSN

February 2024 WOSN

January 2024 WOSN

December 2023 WOSN

November 2023 WOSN

October 2023 WOSN

September 2023 WOSN

August 2023 WOSN

July 2023 WOSN

June 2023 WOSN

May 2023 WOSN

April 2023 WOSN

March 2023 WOSN
December 2022 WOSN
November 2022 WOSN
October 2022 WOSN
September 2022 WOSN
August 2022 WOSN
April 2022 WOSN
March 2022 WOSN
February 2022 WOSN
January 2022 WOSN
December 2021 WOSN
November 2021 WOSN
October 2021 WOSN
September 2021 WOSN
July 2021 WOSN
June 2021 WOSN
May 2021 WOSN
April 2021 WOSN
March 2021 WOSN
February 2021 WOSN
April 2019 WOSN
March 2019 WOSN
February 2019 WOSN
January 2019 WOSN

Pre-2019 WoSN pdfs can be found at:

Editor: Rob Randall
T: 01452 700078; Mob 07855 117730